A Year in Review: Insights from Sooryavansh Seewoosungkur

S. Seewoosungkur, 31 December 2023

It has been a transformative year at the Green Career Centre (GCC) with many insightful research projects launched, significantly supported by Sooryavansh Seewoosungkur, our Policy Researcher. In 2023, Sooryavansh has contributed to the GCC’s research initiatives. His professional and educational interests further extend to areas such as bilateral trade policy and international environmental cooperation.

In 2023, Sooryavansh on a part-time basis co-mentored a team of eight interns through a comprehensive qualitative research project, culminating in a critical policy report on Canada's Feminist International Assistance Policy. His support in creating research guides, facilitating team meetings, and nurturing a collaborative work environment was key to this success. This project not only led to the publication of an influential paper but also a successful webinar that brought together key players in sustainability.

Sooryavansh also recently completed another policy project at the GCC, supported by two other researchers. This project entailed an assessment of the federal Sustainable Jobs Plan, specifically from the perspective of underrepresented youth. The team organized and led participatory, community-focused focus groups with underrepresented youth, thereby gaining valuable insights into their views on green jobs and the necessary skills in Canada. This was accompanied by a detailed policy analysis of the Sustainable Jobs Plan, where they identified potential areas for enhancement. Their comprehensive review of the plan and literature on green jobs within the Canadian context led to important findings. Most notably, they discovered that underrepresented youth are calling for a stronger commitment to green workforce development programs including funding a national Youth Climate Corps. Such programs would increase opportunities for skill acquisition and career advancement, acknowledging the need for employment futures that are aligned with sustainability objectives. Last October, the Green Career Centre garnered spotlight in an article by the Toronto Guardian.

“The projects I have contributed to at the GCC have been immensely fulfilling, both on a personal level and for the researchers I've had the opportunity to work with. Our team's efforts have culminated in the publication of two comprehensive reports in 2023, addressing pivotal issues in sustainability and the evolving Canadian policy landscape. The work carried out by the GCC is vital; it has significantly supported numerous underrepresented youth in pursuing successful careers out of university. I truly wish this organization the very best.”

Looking ahead, the GCC plans to deepen its strategic objectives, focusing on areas where its impact can be most profound. The organization plans to continue to engage in consultations and focus group sessions with the community to ensure that the work responds to the needs of the communities that it represents and serves and advances the interests of underrepresented youth in securing green careers. Follow us on social media!


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